Tuberculosis (TB) is a potentially serious infectious disease that mainly affects your lungs. The bacteria that cause tuberculosis are spread from one person to another through tiny droplets released into the air via coughs and sneezes. Read the full...
Life can sometimes feel like one long train of decisions: decisions about where we live, our healthcare, careers and financial affairs (to mention but a few). That may not be the case for our entire lives, however – with...
During the current global health emergency, the funeral insurance industry is seeing new opportunities – but also unprecedented challenges due to the high claims ratio and lack of new business. This large factor has been brought about by limited...
Hacking into communications systems is nearly as old as communication systems themselves. Back in 1834, the French telegraph system was hacked by a pair of thieves who stole financial market information – effectively conducting the world’s first cyberattack. Read...
With just more than a year after the first case of Covid-19 was diagnosed in South Africa, we have entered a new phase in managing the pandemic. The availability of vaccines enabled us to enter this new phase of...
In order to avoid certain headaches with regards to insurance, it is of great importance to understand what exactly is included in the concept of insurance for buildings; what should be insured; and by whom. Read the full article...
We all know the importance of consulting with a professional financial planner regarding our retirement planning and every day we hear that the sooner you start to save the sooner you will be able to retire. Not many investors...