We all know the importance of consulting with a professional financial planner regarding our retirement planning and every day we hear that the sooner you start to save the sooner you will be able to retire. Not many investors...
For most South African homeowners, the concept of settling their home loan as soon as possible has long been a priority. It is well-documented what the potential benefits are in terms of saving on interest over the long-term, but...
South Africa is currently sailing in uncharted waters. We are in the first week of a 21-day government enforced ‘lock-down’ to combat the spread of COVID-19. This decision will no doubt have a damaging effect on an already struggling...
We are all in the midst of an unprecedented crisis in our country and in the world. We at FFG, feel that it is important that we balance the priorities of the health of our employees, national interest in...
Starting on the 24th of February 2020, the last 2 weeks and 1 day have seen a massive selloff in global equities culminating into the bloodbath we have seen on world markets yesterday. There are many potential reasons for...
Whoever said the best things in life are free obviously didn’t have children…Having kids is expensive, but, as any parent will tell you, they’re worth every cent. One of the best decisions you can make as a parent, is...